Apply to serve

Satisfying sessions are built around authentic, mutual enjoyment. I welcome session requests from fetishists, submissives and slaves of all genders, with compatible interests, respectful attitudes and healthy boundaries.

Make a positive initial impression by ensuring you’ve read and understood the information on my site before making contact.

This page explains my requirements and rates, guiding you through the process of making a booking.

How I work

Most relevant questions will have been answered on this page as well as my sessions and about me pages. My blog and my twitter are a great way to get a feel for my play style. You will also find some in session pictures of me in my gallery.
Novices are advised to read my What to Expect blog post.
I tour primarily to Sydney and am generally there twice a month. My regular slaves keep me very busy so booking well in advance is recommended.
My newsletter subscribers are the first to receive my tour dates when they are released. If there are session opportunities remaining they are then published to my availability calendar and my twitter 24 hours later. Subscribe to My newsletter here.
When in Sydney I session between 8am and 8pm.

session process

After we’ve established our interests and expectations are compatible we will agree upon a convenient time to meet. You will then be given a time to confirm the session. The exact dungeon location is given when you confirm.

It’s essential that you confirm on or before the time given. No confirmation = no session.

When you arrive at the dungeon we will discuss your interests and limits in detail. I appreciate it can be difficult to talk about your kinks but honest pre-session communication will enhance our time together.

You will also need to let me know about any health issues or physical limitations.




When enquiring please include: 

  • Your name
  • Your Phone number
  • Your experience level
  • Preferred session dates and times
  • A brief description of your session interests
  • Additional questions not covered on my site

Check that you have included all requested information in your application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Contact info

Phone Hours

session Hours


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