Exciting news! After months of training and two rigorous exams, Mistress Servalan and I are satisfied that Miss Atreides has the skills to begin conducting sessions by herself. Details on how to make a booking with Miss Atreides can be found here. http://msatreides.com/i-am-now-able-to-provide-limited-content-sessions-one-on-one/
Of course there’s no regulatory body when it comes to professional Domination. Virtually anyone can start advertising as a Dominatrix but I’m certainly grateful that (like Miss Atreides) when I started out I was guided through a traditional apprenticeship by Mistress Servalan, who was in turn trained at Salon Kitties.
Given that there’s a reasonable potential for danger with many kink activities it was immensely valuable to have been trained to be accurate, clean and safe in my play, not to mention having a more experienced dominant woman who was willing to workshop challenges with me and give advice. This is a privilege I enjoy to this very day even though I am now a senior Mistress in my own right.
Of course the learning doesn’t stop. In August I will have been practising professionally for nine years and I still constantly seek to learn new things and polish my skills. The fact that there’s always so much more to learn is one of the things that continues to keep Domination an exciting, fun and challenging career path for me.