The unexpected reasons why so many elite Dommes are Equestriennes.
Mistress Jadis Black Keyhole latex red riding crop


Over the years I’ve noticed a trend amongst my Dominatrix colleagues, both locally and online: a rather large percentage of Dominant Women are also horsewomen.

Equestrienne Domme Mistress Jadis in boots and spurs

While Equestriennes and Dominatrices tend to be fond of both immaculate uniforms and riding crops, many of the characteristics of a quality horsewoman translate well to BDSM.

1. Horsewomen can read body language.

Despite what we see on tv and the movies (they edit in so much whinnying) horses mostly communicate through body language. When you spend time around horses it’s essential to pay attention to their subtle signals in order to communicate with them and to stay safe. When you’re used to tuning in and reading bodies, rather than just relying on words it’s easy to gauge how bottoms are progressing through their session experience. While, on occasion, it may feel like your Domme has just read your mind, it’s much more likely she has simply read your body.

2. We project confidence.

Horses are very sensitive and perceptive, taking their emotional cues from their handlers. When you work with horses you soon learn how to project confidence through your body, not to mention the psychological confidence boost that comes from controlling a 500kg+ animal, with a few fingers, or your arse(seat cues are the hallmark of the refined rider). This comfort and confidence apply beautifully in the dungeon, or indeed anywhere a woman may choose to lead.

3. Equestriennes know how to set boundaries.

Working with horses soon teaches you the value of setting boundaries, it’s essential for safety that the horse knows what behaviour is, and isn’t acceptable. Solid boundary setting is a keystone skill for a ProDomme, as is knowing that small problem behaviours can escalate into bigger ones when left unchecked.

4. We love the smell of leather, and we’re innately comfortable working with leather, ropes and whips.

Most horsewomen agree that nothing smells better than walking into a saddlery, but a well-stocked dungeon comes a very close second. As well as relishing the smell and craftmanship of quality leather, working with leather, buckles, ropes and various whips is second nature to us.

5. Emotional control is essential to horsewomen.

If you can’t control yourself – you can’t control your horse or your sub for that matter. Horsewomen learn very quickly to control their emotions. If your horse is having a moment, then it’s really, truly best that you’re not having one at the same time. The same applies in session. It’s easy for subs to feel safe with a leader who is able to keep a cool head. On that note horsewomen also need to be able to think on their feet – as do quality Dominas. When the unexpected happens in session it’s important to be able to quickly assess, action and redirect where necessary.

6. Attention to detail

Equestrian competition requires immaculate attention to detail. Even day to day the safety requirements of riding mean that horsewomen become accustomed to getting it right, every time. Safety in the dungeon, especially when it comes to higher risk activities comes from a keen awareness of the precautions required for each and every activity. In some circumstances, you literally have the life of your sub in your hands so it pays to be well versed in making sure the essentials are always correct.

7. More than a sprinkle of pragmatism

Cleaning stables, grooming, performing routine vet care – hands-on equestriennes are more than a little used to getting our hands dirty. Real-time domination work also requires a pragmatic streak. While I can’t recall my hands actually getting dirty in a session (big fan of latex gloves here) a certain degree of pragmatism does come in handy in session when it comes to bodies and fluids.

Pair all that with thighs of steel and an innate ability to look great in shiny boots and it’s easy to see why so many horsewomen have found their way into the world of domination.

Equestrienne Domme Mistress Jadis in breeches

Of course, there are some differences. Dominatrices tend to have no qualms about applying whips and spurs to slaves. Most (but sadly not all) of us are very humane horsewomen…and then there’s the issue of castration, oh so very common in the horse world…but something we only roleplay with our slaves.

Updates on my availability can be found here. Follow my equestrian and dungeon adventures on my twitter.


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